Instructions for Use
of Formaster Disinfectant Tablet

Instructions For Use

To ensure effective and safe disinfection, carefully follow the following instructions:

  1. Preparation:

    • Ensure that the area to be disinfected is empty.
    • Place the Formaster tablet on a metal base.
    • The disinfection shall be executed by operators provided with mask, gloves and protection clothing
  2. Ignition:

    • Ignite the tablet with a direct flame.
    • Wait 5-10 minutes for the flame to completely engulf the tablet and for embers to form on the sides.
  3. Flame Smothering:

    • Cover the ignited tablet with a non-flammable metal container (e.g., a tin).
    • Remove the container only when the flame has completely extinguished.
  4. Smoke Development:

    • Allow the smoke to develop until the tablet is completely incinerated, or until the smoke ceases, for approximately 2 hours.
  5. Ventilation:

    • Exit the area and do not re-enter for at least 8 hours. After this period, put the mask back on, open doors and windows, air out the environment, and only return when the characteristic smell of formaldehyde has disappeared.
  1. Result:

    • The remaining ashes will be completely inert.
    • Disinfection occurs through the fumigation of the tablet, which continues to burn without flame after the container is removed.
    • The gas produced is pure and without surface tension, allowing optimal penetration into all spaces.
  2. Safety:

    • During disinfection, keep ventilation ducts, doors, and windows closed.
  3. Effectiveness:

    • The Formaster tablet ensures 99.9% disinfection.

By following these instructions, you will achieve deep and complete disinfection, ensuring a clean and safe environment.

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